Now that spring is finally here, it’s time to get in the spirit of spring cleaning! What better place to start than by revitalizing and rejuvenating your online presence. Here are four ways to refresh your digital brand on your website and social media platforms.

  1. Update your listings! Make sure new, high-demand properties are front and center on both your website and Facebook page, and go through each listing’s description to make sure the language highlights desirable outdoor areas and local community parks.
  1. Give Facebook and Twitter a facelift! Update your cover and profile photos, along with the information in your bio/about me. Make sure to include any brand or regional recognitions in your company and personal descriptions to showcase your industry expertise.
  1. Try out new tools! Leverage Instagram to showcase different properties and increase potential engagement capabilities. You can also take advantage of the new video streaming app Meerkat to live stream trainings or showings to your social media networks.
  1. Incorporate new content! Spice up what you’re posting on each of your social media platforms – including your company blog. If your feed usually consists of property listings and employee updates then try weaving in more fun, light-hearted content and recent, relevant industry articles to keep your audience engaged.

Have additional tips for “spring cleaning” your digital appearance? Let us know in the comments!

Image from Thinkstock.