I’ve lived at the Jersey Shore my entire life.  All of my memories are tied up in one way or another with this special place. From the boardwalks to the WaWas, the shore has always been home for me.

But in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, these memories are all that remain.  Houses obliterated, bridges washed away, the very landscape of the beach and dunes changed forever.

Thankfully, I was spared, but so many around me suffered greatly, losing everything but the clothes on their backs.  As I sat in my house in the dark and cold, I knew I had to do something, so I started volunteering with a local shelter to get people food and supplies they so desperately need.

And I was not alone.  The volunteer response in my area has been incredible and the donations have been pouring in – everyone wants to help – even those affected.

I have been devastated emotionally witnessing the plights of so many people, but I have also been so heartened by the collective spirit of community that abounds here.

The clean-up efforts will continue for a long time and people will need our help for many months to come.  My deepest hope is that people will not forget that. 

To help, please visit these websites: the Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund or the American Red Cross.

photo credit: drpavloff via photopin cc


Laura Gendwila

  Laura Gendwila is ERA Real Estate’s Web Project Manager.