Realtors selling a property for a divorcing couple could find the whole process a minefield due to the emotional trauma of the sellers. If you’re ever managing a divorce sell for clients, you should be mindful of the following tips to try to ease the process as much as possible:

  1. Communicate via email whenever possible, and keep comprehensive notes of any telephone conversations or meetings with the couple. This will help ease the process and covers your back in the event of any future court hearings regarding the divorce.
  2. Expect delays from day one. When couples divorce, they find it difficult to reach agreement on anything. You’re not dealing with a couple working together, but two individuals fighting their own corners, so they may take time to come to the simplest decisions on the sale of their home.
  3. Refuse to take any interest or get involved in any of the couple’s emotional problems. Your sole focus should be geared towards closing the deal, so if you start finding yourself taking sides or getting worked up about their personal situation, refer the sale onto another associate.
  4. Keep both parties fully informed on the sale situation at all times, and when you receive instructions from the divorcing couple, repeat their instructions back to them to ensure they are both fully aware of events. Remain calm at all times during the meetings and sales process.

You’ll likely find you need patience and tact when managing a divorce sell, but it gets easier with practice.

ERA Real Estate has the local knowledge and expertise to ensure all clients receive the best possible service from their realtor.

Photo via arzrtsamui via