End game. Always start with the end game in mind. When developing a successful business plan, begin with the desired result first. What do you want your company to achieve? What direction do you want it to go in?

And from beginning to end, or in this case, end to beginning – ALWAYS engage your entire team in the creation and implementation of your road map. Here are a few ways to do that:

  • Start with the visionary end as a result and then break down a path to achievement. At my company, we typically begin with a SWOT analysis – strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This enables you to identify where the company stands and its needs for improvement or growth. In addition to actual data, ask your team for anecdotal information regarding your company’s SWOT.
  • It is important to include measurements of success so that all included parties are accountable for meeting the desired outcome. Everyone needs to know what their role and goal is.

Other key elements of a plan include:

  • Easily understood, concise goals
  • Effective measurement of tasks
  • Systems and processes to complete tasks
  • Delegation of the leader / champion to carry out or oversee the implementation of each task

The plan alone will not carry your organization to success. It is imperative that you have full commitment from all involved parties in sticking to the plan and bringing it to fruition. This begins with strong leadership from your task champions and a full and open trust between all involved.

And, regularly structured meetings to review the plan, the progress, and measured statistics; as well as analyzing and possible amending the plan keep it top of mind and make a great plan even greater. Remember to always keep the end game top of mind.

From experience, I can truly recommend that every leader fully involve their team in every aspect of business planning from building it to sticking to it. Input from a trusted team enables you to build a path, garner team engagement and buy-in, and ultimately secure successful execution.

All involved parties ultimately have to own the plan and be passionate about that plan. That only happens through involvement. Show your team you value their input and include them in your business planning from end to beginning.

Starting at the end may sound backwards and well it is. Start at where you want to be and then move backwards until you get to where you are now. By working with the end in mind, you’ll devise a clearer point A to B path.


Photo Credit: internetsense via photopin cc

David Moody

David Moody is the Broker/Owner of ERA Sunrise Realty, which has seven offices in northern Georgia.