What sets top business performers apart from the rest of the pack? In a recent sit down with ERA Real Estate keynote speaker Ryan Estis, he highlighted five keys to killer results.

  1. Strong two-way communication skills. Ask questions, articulate your value offering, understand concerns and most importantly – listen.
  2. Understand your customer’s value drivers. What are your client’s two biggest priorities? If you don’t know, mine for information.  Comprehend what the individual values and how it is relative to his or her purchasing decision.
  3. Offer customer insight that adds value. Position yourself as an expert and provide information they cannot find on the Internet. Give them an awareness they did not have previously. It comes down to expertise and experience.
  4. Be comfortable discussing money. Top producers are confident in the value they provide and the cost associated. They are at ease having that discussion with customers.
  5. Earn commitment. Be assertive and ask your customer questions to know where you stand. Putting the right type of gentle pressure on your client at the end of the conversation can help you get to the next step in the relationship you are building, and ultimately the deal.

To effectively employ each strategy, do your homework and research prior to your meeting. Sell from a position of intelligence because the more prepared you are, the more effective you are in the moment of truth.

Please feel free to share this information with your fellow real estate and sales professionals, as well as your employees. And if you have other proven techniques, please tell us what they are in the comments section.