This post from Brazen Careerist came into my inbox and I almost passed it over – deleting it before I considered what it could mean. Mentors are supposed to be more experienced than you are, right?

Then I thought about it. I am lucky enough to have a network of peer mentors from my grad school days at Rutgers. And though I never would have considered them “mentors” before, I now realize that’s exactly what they are – smart, driven people who can help me navigate my career and even, on occasion, my personal life. They’ve taught me more than I would have given them credit for – if I hadn’t read this quick piece.

So, now I challenge you to think about the peers in your life who help guide you – and maybe those that you help guide. (If you’re part of the ERA team, my guess is that you’ll realize you have a lot of them.)


“Mentorship is ultimately about collaboration, sharing ideas, asking for feedback and not being afraid to ask for help or advice. Whether you are mentored by your peer or the CEO of your company, don’t forget to be open, honest and giving in return.”

Then reach out, schedule another lunch, set up a video chat, exchange a few emails – you never know what you might learn.