Technology can be your best tool in the real estate industry. It makes it easy for you to gather information on your local market and keep track of appointments. You might not be aware of several other ways that technology can help you out though.

Follow these five tips on using technology to save time and work more efficiently:

  • Hit the space bar twice on your smartphone to put in a period instead of switching to the punctuation options. Doing this adds a period and a space and capitalizes the next letter.
  • Press the call button on your phone to dial the last number you called. You won’t have to go to your recent calls to find it.
  • Type the first letter of your state when filling out address forms online instead of scrolling through the state drop-down menu.
  • Hold the Control or Command key and press the plus sign to make online text bigger.
  • Use the space bar to scroll down a page, then press the Shift key to go up again.

For more advice on how top ERA Real Estate agents make the most of their time and technology, click here and here.

Image courtesy of nokhoog_buchachon /