We’ve talked before about the reasons why Gen Y should consider a real estate career. And, recently we found we’re not the only ones seeing the connections between what Gen Y loves to do and what’s required in real estate!

Rob Hahn, The Notorious R.O.B., recently wrote a post, Where are all the Gen-Y REALTORS?, pulling from Gen Y research done by Nick Shore of MTV Insights that adds (at least) three MORE reasons why Gen Y should check out real estate.

#1 – Real Estate is hackable: Because every deal is different, there isn’t always a ready answer to the questions real estate agents face daily. Working through those problems, finding unique solutions for clients and doing it quickly is a core skill for real estate and a natural behavior for Gen Y.

#2 – Real Estate is always in beta: The speed of real estate requires getting the job done first, then going back to find ways to do it better next time. Top agents take client feedback seriously and are always working to improve their game.

#3 – Real Estate is the original bubble: And we don’t mean inflated prices. We’re talking about a bubble of positivity. Having a positive attitude is a necessity for selling real estate. To be successful, you have to believe in what you’re doing and keep working it, no matter what the “haters” say.

Do you have other reasons why Gen Y should consider real estate as a career? Share them here.